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Author | Title | Description | Date | Rank |
Aangie | Prayer of the Sunflowers |
Hinawa felt terribly uneasy. She began to pray for the safety of her son and his friends.) Done on an 8x16 piece of paper, prisma pencils. :) |
9/3/10 | 0.00 |
Aangie | Name- Page 8- "Ness' Idea" |
(whoa revived since August 09)
As Pokey and Ness run after the Sharks who have kidnapped Picky, Ness stops Pokey with an idea. Pokey's stomach, however, has other ideas. |
9/4/10 | 0.00 |
Aangie | Name- "The Phone Call" |
As Ness waits for his lazy neighbor to eat, he’s suddenly conscious that they have no information or leads on Picky’s whereabouts. Of course, in a twist of irony, a phone call solves all of their problems.
9/5/10 | 0.00 |
Aangie | Calm |
Even though her two sons are complete opposite personalities, they both can keep her calm.
9/7/10 | 0.00 |
Aangie | The Puppet |
I wiLL uSE the PAtheTIC huMAN as I caNNOT use mY BOdy aS it is FaLLING to PiECES… NOThing is HOLDiNG mE toGETHER… A BiTTER yoUNG mAN… HE has REVEnge oN HiS mIND… aS do I… hE IS my puPPET!
9/8/10 | 0.00 |